
Simamkele Tancu
"He has a passion for coding. It's evident that he wants to be here & he is a hard worker."
"Siseko is a dedicated, motivated, and goal-driven young man who is willing to put in all his efforts to make sure his goals are achieved."

Shawn Louw
"He has a passion for coding. It's evident that he wants to be here & he is a hard worker."
Veronique Nappie
"Siseko enjoys exploring new technologies and finding creative solutions to challenges. Comfortable working in dynamic environments, he can quickly adapt to new tools and methodologies. A team player who values open communication and enjoys the collaborative aspect of coding projects."
Anathi Josefu
"Siseko is a problem-solver and a committed person, committed to his work, and he's focused when he puts his mind into something.
Onika Sileku
"I have never seen a young man with so much dedication like him. He has a natural talent for breaking down complex concepts into easily digestible bits, making the learning process enjoyable and engaging.."